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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year! And now this memo, from all 'ah we.

Happy New Year to all of No-See-Um's blog followers. This is Bronc, the dude in charge of this little spot on the internet.  It seems a few of the followers have been commenting on the content and vileness of the posts. Um, hell-fucking-o people;  it is a humor-based blog. Get over yourself. And yes, Funny, I am talking to your ass in particular. This blog belongs to No-See-Um, an eccentric, washed up, island has-been. NSU, as we love to call him, just simply notes items of humor on the island. Most of it stupid mistakes, some of it n-ass-ty pictures of dumb things tourists do, some of it bad spelling or grammar...whatever. All is done in good fun. Don't like it, then don't read it. Why come back and make comments on something you don't like?
Anyway, NSU is going to keep up the camera work and do whatever the fuck he wants. This island is full of douchebaggery on a daily basis. NSU could never post everything that goes on. Things may even get more vile;  who knows, it's tourist season and the hunting is great.
All of us at NSU Blogdom wish you and yours a fun-filled 2011 with lots of funny shit and stupid people. Suck it up!

Monday, December 27, 2010

What the?

Now tourists are parking in the round-about, and this guy looks like he's directing traffic.
It's that most wonderful time of the year.  Not.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another boating mishap...

This photo was sent to me last week, with the following comments:  "Tourists, oil pan clean up, rental car, barge, chaos."
Here is the translation:  "Tourists backed their rental vehicle on the barge in Red Hook at an angle, when the crew wasn't paying attention, and ripped the oil pan off the bottom of their car when they hit the corner of the ramp.  Now the crew is paying attention, and it's complete chaos as they try to clean up the oil."

Sunday, December 19, 2010

More drama on the high seas.

With all the ferry drama, last week a passenger jumped off the Westin ferry
in Great Cruz Bay with his luggage in hand as it was steaming out of the bay.
He stated he was not ready to leave St. John and a passing USCG small boat
picked him up, and he bit the CG officer in the arm as he was trying to help him aboard.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I am seriously baffled by this.

So, let's see. Someone steals a shopping cart and fills it with trash, and abandons it at the dumpster, because why?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hey, mister.

You are a tenant of this complex, so does that give you the right to repeatedly park your truck in the handicapped parking spot, without a handicapped parking permit? Shame on you.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I don't even know what to say about this train wreck. Except, I am moving to Canada.

Re: Beware of Thieves 

Arm your selves. If you beat them often enough,with lets say a baseball bat and 
they end up in the Hospital a few times and start walking with funny limps,they will 
eventually get the message,if the Cops won't fix it, Who is it up to ? 
There is no need for an honest citizen to have to deal with this crap on a routine basis. 
Self police it or lose what you love.

Re: Beware of Thieves 

I hope you're kidding? You know if you 'beat' someone with a baseball bat for simple 
theft you're the one going to jail right? 
(That's assuming the thieves don't pull out an AK-47 in response.) 
The better response is to not leave ANYTHING of value in the car in this location AND 
leave the doors and glove box unlocked or even leave the window partially open in case 
the thieves are too lasy to check the door lock.

Re: Beware of Thieves 

Being the victim. It is entirely up to you. I'll give an honest man a meal or a buck 
but I have no use for a thief. Don't worry I'M from the Federal Gov and we are here to help 
all of those who REFUSE to take care of them selves,trust me,we know whats best. 
You are either a victim or a stand up citizen,it is high time for people to stop wining 
and make a freaking stand.
No you can't win them all but you the citizen has the choice FIGHT OR FLIGHT. 
If it offends you to take care of your selves,lay some traps with video and record 
the whole crime. It will be very hard for a District Attorney to deny video evidence. 
You say the Cops won't make a stand on your behalf. Go over their heads.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

No, this crime tells me that the criminals are watching TV.

St. John:  On October 25, a residence at XXX was locked and secured by its owners around 11 a.m.  When they returned 40 minutes later, they discovered that a burglar had broken a window and stolen a black 32-inch Panasonic flat screen TV worth $1,200.  This crime tells us that the criminals are watching us and our neighborhoods, so please watch out for criminals.  The minimum reward for the arrest of a burglar is $714.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

And, the U.S. Postal Rates are going up again in January.

Original post:

So, it costs $58.00 to mail a 36 lb. box from Cola, SC to STJ Connections 
via USPS priority mail. It got there in 3 days. It costs $161.00 to mail a 33 lb. box 
priority mail from PostNet (formerly the Mail Center) from STJ to Cola, SC. 
I am still trying to undertand why the triple charge to mail it back. We opted for 
parcel post which was $52.00, mailed it back from STJ on 8/4 and are still 
waiting for it to arrive. Just a heads up if anyone takes this route. 
Guess we should have taken it directly to Cruz Bay USPS and mailed it out. 


Yes sooooo much cheaper to mail it directly from the PO. Just a heads up 
it takes 8-12 weeks for a package to arrive on STJ when mailed from the 
States via Parcel Post but have no idea how long it takes to arrive when 
mailed from this end. 

No-See-Um's comments:

Let's see. The Mail Center has to accept responsibility for your box, 
pay someone to haul it to town, find a parking spot, mail it for you, 
and keep adequate records and receipts.  And the last time I checked, 
they were not a non-profit organization. And yes, the person who 
replied is correct, to a degree:  Parcel Post takes four to six weeks 
coming to St. John, not eight to twelve weeks. But, let me not be petty.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Motor Vehicle License Systems

The first person in line was 18, the second person in line was 33, and the last person in line was 44. Does this make any sense? 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am thankful for forum posts like this. Wrong island, try again.

St. John's with Babies 
I will be traveling to St. John's in Dec. with my 2 kids (1 year and 2 1/2 years). My very nice brother is renting a house for the whole family but I am feeling very anxious about what we will need to bring and what we should buy. The only other place we've been to was the Bitter End in the BVI and there were no easily accessible stores. With new airline surcharges for bringing anything, we need to pack lightly. So here are my questions: 1)Does St. John's have grocery store with diapers, Enfamil, etc. 2)Will there be a place to buy/rent cheap sand toys, beach umbrella/shelter.
Destination Expert   What's this?
for St. John's, Antigua
Hi Katy, this is the St Johns Antigua board - you need to post your question on the US Virgin Islands St John board

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hovensa, St. Croix

Apologies! This got buried in my draft folder.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ouch, ouch, ouch.

St Johns trunk bay 

Registered: 1 year ago
Posts: 4
The last time I was there I seen places on beach in park to stay,as you walk to beach 
from main entrance turn left about 300 yards down,they a brown small apartments 
it look s like,any help on booking them or a nice place to stay on beach in st johns 
would help alot,thank you

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Check back with us in five years.

Being a Midwife in St Thomas 
September 04, 2010 12:34PM

Registered: 11 days ago
Posts: 2
Wow I've finally found a message board where posts are still in date! Thank you!

Anyway... my question is this...

I am relocating to St Thomas as I have family already living there, and Im currently 
studying a Degree in Midwifery in the UK. I would love to carry on my dream of being 
a Midwife in St Thomas but know that it's going to be very hard to persue this as my 
UK qualification wont what do I need to do once Im in St Thomas to start my
journey to becoming a Certified Professional Midwife? I want to specialise in Homebirths 
(even birth centre), antenatal classes, and newborn care...possibly with adolescent parents to be.

Could someone give me some valid info that I need, as much info as possible please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Your time is much appreciated : )

I can not wait to relocate(wont be for 5 yrs ish yet) but dont want anything to get in the way 
of having my dream career and caring for pregnant mums and thier newborns.

GreenShell xx

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Frisky business.

Judy Frisk

Take a look at Judy Frisk for Senate. I think she is just what we need on STX

Re: Judy Frisk 

It's Fricks