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Saturday, October 29, 2011

I am "terrafied."

paul Vrabcak on October 23, 2011 at 10:57 am

Virgin Islanders are americans and can have full rights and vote and every single right of a citizen, the reasonwhy we dont vote yet is the lack of a ratafied constatution and aplication for statehood we have yet to submit one in agreement with the us constatution aply for statehood or to be a district, we are primarily a terattory because of what we have not done rather than the us keeping us out. I say good for us we they want us they should have to compremise with us rather than dictate to us. for all the oh the VI isso bad and so corrupt there are many worse places in the states that make our corruption look tame, from garbage collection in ny to the $5,000 donations for small favors almost every state side elected offical wants. the difference iswe want better and alot of places in the us have given up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Close, but no cigar!

Someone (me) was too chicken shit to take this picture, but I finally got up the nerve when the security guard at Motor Vehicles starting dozing off (although my flash woke him up.) Sorry it's blurry, but I didn't want to be banned for life. It reads "CLOSE" on the closed door. Awesome.

Monday, October 17, 2011

This scares me.

You have no idea what you are talking about .I worked in 3 schools in St.Thomas and have never ever seen a teacher not caring. Instead I seen teachers work until after 5 at their schools, come in on Saturdays and spend lots of money out of there pockets for there student.
Attendance is not a problem we come to school everyday . We get paid 1/2 of the salary that teachers in the states get paid. I know because worked in the states .
Instead of taking 8 percent from our salary maybe there should be no expense account for the cabinet members or SUV.
The governor saw the problem of the ecomony so did the senate way before this year but kept on spending .
Teacher are still worried will we bee laid off more cuts. Many teachers have retired and there is no replacements . So we have to teach larger classes .
The teachers are not selfish but concerned about the education of our young people. Get out of the gutter and talk to the students that do care and the parents .
In every society you are going to have students that do not care , In St thomas we are condensed where good and bad are close to each other.
Teachers have rights and our rights have been taken away and we work extremly hard at our jobs . Spent a day in the trenches and then speak.
It is the governor and cabinet members that are disgraceful by paying us 1/2 of what we are worth . It was shameful of them to spend money the way they did. It was rude of them not to let us have a say in the budget cuts.
We are the teachers of the future leaders of the Virgin Islands and we demand respect

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What the hell is this nonsense? And do they know what WAPA will cost them?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Island Dairies

I will also miss drinking Island Dairies' milk from warm plastic bags, while using a flimsy plastic straw. But seriously? It's "saddened" and not "sadden." I thought that this was the big news of today, until I heard about one of our senators and the FBI. Moo! The race is on. Senators versus cows.
WTJX US Virgin Islands Public Television System
A VI landmark will be closing at the end of this year. Island Dairies has been providing tasty treats to the territory for more than 50 years and many in the community are sadden that this locally owned business will no longer be a part of the community. Newsline340's Aisha Webster reports.
Island Dairies-October 2, 2011
A VI landmark will be closing at the end of this year. Island Dairies has been providing tasty treats to the territory for more than 50 years and many in the community are sadden that this locally owned business will no longer be a part of the community....this feature aired on October 2, 2011.
Length: ‎13:13
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