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Saturday, November 5, 2011


Judge Swan’s Marijuana Quote

“Some people who smoke marijuana are better drivers than sober drivers.”
– Superior Court Judge Ive Swan

Our limited contact with former VI Superior Court Judge Ive Swan (now VI Supreme Court Judge) has led us to conclude he is a thoroughly competent and conscientious jurist, more the reason why we were stunned by his quote above. We could not help asking, “From what font does his knowledge of Buddha spring?”

Does he partake of a little sacramental weed himself from time to time?

The quote was made in open court during a murder trial. The defendant was found guilty of First Degree Murder, but on appeal, the Third Circuit ruled Judge Swain’s remark denied the defendant a fair trial.


  1. At times, reading the news just makes a person downright depressed. I'm having one of those moments.

  2. but there are facts to back up what he said.

  3. a recent article about marijuana and smoking .


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