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Friday, April 5, 2013


Kiss my ass, Blogger.  You are so user-unfriendly, I want to punch you in the head.  Lots of fun activity on the relocation boards lately.  Exit Zero remains my hero, and one day, our posse will take him to lunch.

And on a totally unrelated topic, commas are our friends.  Thank you, Miss R.  SLOW, indeed.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Friends of the Park

Raffle prize! It makes my heart sing with joy! And just turn your head to read it, because I just spent a miserable thirty minutes of my life trying to rotate it. Grrrrr. Blogger is not my friend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hello, my lovely followers! I have been uninspired to post updates for some reason, maybe because it seems like the same old stuff, but I am humbled by the huge number of readers who check in daily. Well, hello to my adorable, darling, long-lost friend Ms. R. from St. Thomas. I'll see you very soon, and please keep this kind of silliness coming.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oh, what next?

Seriously? When will the ever-growing pile of VIPD's moving vehicles and other moving things end? This is ridiculous, as is the over-sized pick up truck labeled something along the lines of "Major Crime Scene Investigations," which is pretty much parked full-time in the new used car parking lot.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Headed for the hills.

New gas station, right next to Dolphin Market. This will make three in Cruz Bay, and zero for Coral Bay. Let's hope we don't get any rain, which we desperately need, because that sure is steep, and we've already seen a few blunders with the other new gas station.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012